Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Four Month Post

Harrison is four months old!

From Week 15

Sorry this post is a little late but Christmas made it hard to post on time :-)

From Week 18

Favorite Things: Blowing raspberries (a very messy hobby), laughing, screaming as loud as possible when he gets excited, kicking his feet, playing with his Grandparents, being naked, taking baths, and eating his hands, blankets, stuffed frog, burp cloth, clothing…basically anything that he can fit in his mouth

From Week 14

Least Favorite Thing: Putting clothes on, being put in his car seat, being sleepy (it is a fight to calm him down when he is sleepy), when something doesn’t fit in his mouth

From Week 13

Tricks: Still working on rolling over (he gets over to his side but doesn’t seem motivated to roll all the way over), sitting upright when supported, blowing raspberries, making lots of funny sounds, laughing at things he thinks are funny, finding his knees and feet (it won’t be long till they are in his mouth), producing 3x his weight in drool

From Week 17

Big Events: This has been the month of travel. Harrison has taken two car trips down to Fairhope. He sat on Santa’s lap twice and was very well behaved for both Santa’s (most of the time). He saw lots of Christmas trees and lots of Christmas lights. He visited both sets of grandparents, met his aunt and uncle, and LOTS of cousins. He visited his very first “farm” at the Johnson’s house and got to see chickens and the adorable miniature donkeys.

From Week 14

Sleeping schedule: Harrison finally got on a schedule this month. Just like magic Harrison decided to start going to sleep at a reasonable hour. Most nights he falls asleep around 9:00. We have started a nightly routine (of sorts). Around 8:00 we take a bath. After the bath we usually play quietly and read a book or two. After the book (sometimes during the book) Harrison has his last feeding of the night and then we rock and sing until he goes to sleep. He usually sleeps between 8 and 10 hours (we have even had a few 12 hour nights mixed in). Of course every now and then we have a bad night but overall we feel incredibly lucky to have such a good sleeper!

From Week 16

Evil nemesis: Teeth (Harrison started teething towards the end of this month)

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