Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Baby Furniture

We picked out our baby's furniture today. We found a collection that we really loved and thought it would be a good idea to go ahead and get it ordered. The pieces we purchase are shown below - we ordered the pieces in white (not brown). We got the crib, the full size bed conversion kit, the dresser, hutch and mattress. We plan on using the dresser as the changing table. It should be delivered in about eight weeks. I can't wait to see it in the room!

We bought everything from a local store in Memphis. After shopping around we felt like they had the best selection and we loved their staff. The store is called Babytime and I recommend it to everyone in Memphis - they carry baby furniture as well lots of other baby items. We will most likely register there since they have such a nice collection of items. It is definitely a better shopping experience than the panic attack inducing chain stores!

Monday, February 18, 2008

13 Week Check Up

Had a fairly routine doctor's visit today. The doctor just took my blood pressure (v. good), weight (haven't gained a pound - the doctor was very pleased), listened to the baby's heartbeat (thumping away), and took a few measurements. It seemed really funny to see the doctor measuring my stomach with a measuring tape. Like the Doppler machine, it seems so low tech but I guess it's another one of those "if it ain't broke don't fix it" sort of things. We also went over my blood work results from the last visit and talked about the pro's and con's of genetic testing. We decided against the optional cystic fibrosis testing and Dr. Austin was very supportive of this decision.

The highlight of the visit (other than getting a positive bill of health of course) was making the appointment for our next visit. This appointment is significant because this is the BIG sonogram visit! As long as our little one decides to cooperate, we should be able to determine the sex of the baby at the next visit. I can not even begin to describe how excited I am about finding out the sex of the baby. The appointment is set for March 24th at 8:30. Five weeks and counting!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sweet Dreams???

According to "Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy," vivid dreams and nightmares are common during pregnancy. Boy are they right on!

Here is a brief sampling of some of the most disturbing vivid dreams I have had over the last month (I am hoping for a good dream sometime soon):
  • I am attacked by a coyote while walking on the farm at the home of one of my parent's friends. I plead for help from Mrs. Johnson and beg her to shoot the coyote with the gun she is holding but she refuses stating that they do not believe in killing defenseless animals. Mrs. Johnson was very amused by this story!
  • During my job as a convenient store clerk in a gas station, I am robbed at gun point and my car is stolen. I wake up just as I am running down the street in tears chasing after my car.
  • I attend a rooftop party with lots of friends. As I am leaving I look over to another roof and see one of my good friends drowning in a pool. We are able to rescue her but still the experience is quite traumatic.
  • I receive a phone call from an ex-boyfriend asking me to go to dinner. While I am out at dinner, Sam sees a news story saying that my ex is wanted for killing his significant other. In a panic he tries to contact me but is too late. His call arrives just as my ex reveals his desire to murder me. Luckily I wake up right at that moment as well.
  • The next dream started unlike others - with a positive twist. Sam and I win a raffle and receive a beautiful Victorian home. Sam goes out without me and buys a ton of furniture to fill the house. Unfortunately, I hate all of the furniture! I beg him to return the furniture but he refuses and continues to move the awful pieces into the house. I decide that I can't take any more and say that I will never live in the home. Sam and I decide that our marriage can't take the stress of the furniture and that we must separate. I am sure there are some physiologist that would have a field day with that one!
  • My most recent dream was the first to actually relate to pregnancy. Sam and I decided that we wanted to interview nannies. The first interview goes really well and we like the candidate. As she leaves another nanny arrives unannounced - we are a little confused but decide to interview her anyway. The interview is very strange and it is very clear that we will not be hiring this nanny. As the lady is leaving she blocks the door and insist on knowing if we will be hiring her. We say that we are sorry but that we think we have already identified our nanny. Since she didn't get the job, our nanny decides to rob us instead. She takes all of the contents of our living room in a matter of minutes. I think we have been watching the Memphis news a little too much!

I promise that I have been very happy over the last few months and I am not as disturbed as my dreams have been! Hope everyone else is having sweet dreams!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Super STORM Tuesday

What a night we had! Terrible storms came through Memphis last night and hit many areas within the city. We are happy to report that Sam, Lilly and I were safe and sound in our house watching the news from our bedroom closet as the tornados came through the Memphis area. We didn't have any damage in our immediate area but many places in the city weren't so lucky. There were several offices and warehouses that were hit within blocks of our office complex. Our offices are closed today due to power outages and damage to the buildings in the complex. We drove out to the office a little while ago so I could get my laptop. (I didn't realize I would need it today!) We were shocked by the damage in the area. It is going to take quite a while for everything to be repaired. Sam's building sustained quite a bit of damage. My building looked pretty good and it was currently up on generators. I don't know when we will go back into work. We feel very blessed that we were not at work when the storms hit (thanks to Sam for being overly cautious and making me go home early) and that we were safe and sound in our home.

What a night we had! Terrible storms came through Memphis last night and hit many areas within the city. We are happy to report that Sam, Lilly and I were safe and sound in our house watching the news from our bedroom closet as the tornados came through the Memphis area. We didn't have any damage in our immediate area but many places in the city weren't so lucky. There were several offices and warehouses that were hit within blocks of our office complex. Our offices are closed today due to power outages and damage to the buildings in the complex. We drove out to the office a little while ago so I could get my laptop. (I didn't realize I would need it today!) We were shocked by the damage in the area. It is going to take quite a while for everything to be repaired. Sam's building sustained quite a bit of damage. My building looked pretty good and it was currently up on generators. I don't know when we will go back into work.

Here are some pictures one of Sam's coworkers took of the area around our offices:

Street in front of Sam's building

The plant across the street from our complex

Leaving our complex...there use to be a stop light here and a guard tower across the street.

The corner of Sam's building

The back of Sam's building

We feel very blessed that we were not at work when the storms hit (thanks to Sam for being overly cautious and making me go home early) and that we were safe and sound in our home.