Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, February 18, 2008

13 Week Check Up

Had a fairly routine doctor's visit today. The doctor just took my blood pressure (v. good), weight (haven't gained a pound - the doctor was very pleased), listened to the baby's heartbeat (thumping away), and took a few measurements. It seemed really funny to see the doctor measuring my stomach with a measuring tape. Like the Doppler machine, it seems so low tech but I guess it's another one of those "if it ain't broke don't fix it" sort of things. We also went over my blood work results from the last visit and talked about the pro's and con's of genetic testing. We decided against the optional cystic fibrosis testing and Dr. Austin was very supportive of this decision.

The highlight of the visit (other than getting a positive bill of health of course) was making the appointment for our next visit. This appointment is significant because this is the BIG sonogram visit! As long as our little one decides to cooperate, we should be able to determine the sex of the baby at the next visit. I can not even begin to describe how excited I am about finding out the sex of the baby. The appointment is set for March 24th at 8:30. Five weeks and counting!

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