Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, December 19, 2008

Traveling Again

Sam, Harrison, Lilly and I are getting all geared up for our trip down to the coast this weekend. I feel like we have packed up the whole house. We have quite a load between all the Christmas gifts, our suitcases filled with clothing, Lilly's special food and medicine, and all the baby stuff. Luckily I left a few things (pack 'n play) down in Fairhope last time - I probably should have left more. I am having crazy bipolar packing dilemmas. I tried to rationalize everything before packing it but I keep debating one minute if I should add a few things and the next minute if I should take a couple of things out. Other than the last minute things we all need, I am going to try to leave everything as it is.

We are taking the truck since there is no way we would all fit in my car. Of course there is rain in the forecast. Since we don't have a cover for the bed of the truck (and that is where most stuff will be packed), I am ready with giant storage containers and huge Ziploc bags. Hopefully everything will stay dry.

We decided to take the dog down with us this year. I think she will really enjoy hanging out with all of our family (she is incredibly social) and I am really happy we don't have to board her. She can get a little high strung when traveling (don't we all?!?) so we have a sedative she can take. I know it is wrong but I really wish they made a baby and mommy version!

After our trial run a week ago, I am feeling much more confident about traveling with the baby. Harrison was so well behaved on the trip back to Memphis last week. I really hope we can have a repeat performance.

Hope we all get down there in one piece!

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