Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

While I have been gone...

I am sorry for the lack of posts recently. Between the trip down to Fairhope and getting ready for the holiday, there has been very little time for anything other than family time.

It seems Harrison is growing bigger everyday. He is starting to look a little small in some of his 6 month clothing (he just started wearing them a few weeks ago!) and he just moved up a size in diapers. It is sad to think that he will be in big baby diapers soon. I will really miss the super soft swaddlers. He is also doing new things daily. It seems like once one development milestone occurs several others follow.

Harrison learned to blow rasberries right before our trip back from Fairhope. It was really funny driving back to Memphis and hearing the buzzing of little lips in the backseat. Thankfully (for many reasons) my mom was in the backseat cleaning up the spit that accompanies rasberries.

Harrison also seems to be teething. He is putting everything in his mouth and has started biting down hard! I think we are going to be in big trouble once those little teeth come in.

Harrison has gotten so much more alert in the last few weeks and he has also become much more mobile. He is constantly moving his hands and has found his knees. He started grabbing at his feet today so I am sure they will be in his mouth before too long. He is rolling over to his side and comes so close to rolling over. I am almost certain he could roll over if he wanted to.

Harrison is also learning to vocalize his feelings. When he is happy the house is filled with laughter, babble, and lots of squalks. On the flip side, when Harrison is unhappy he has learned that yelling at the top of his lungs is really effective. While I am sure they will get old really fast, these little tantrums crack me up.

As you can see, Harrison is keeping us really busy but we are having a lot of fun. I totally understand why moms say that their children grow up way too fast. At this rate, I feel like he will be walking and talking before we know it!

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