Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Six Month Check Up

Harrison had his six month check up yesterday.

Here are the stats:
Weight: 19 lb 10 oz (75 - 90%)
Height: 27.5 in (75 - 90%)
Head: 45 cm (75 - 90%)

Overall, he seemed to enjoy the doctor’s appointment. He entertained all the other parents in the well baby waiting room by “talking” and shrieking constantly. He particularly liked the 4 month old sitting next to him and flirted shamelessly with her and her mommy. As always he loved the exam table. The large mirror and the paper lined table was a wonderful distraction while we waited. By the time Dr. Miller came in to see him, he had shredded the paper completely and had tried to eat half of it.

We didn’t have many concerns this time to talk with Dr. Miller about. The acid reflux medication seems to be working well so we are going to continue it a little longer. We also got the go ahead to move on to Stage 2 foods (they are still purees but just a little more complex that the stage 1 foods) as well as some soft table foods over the next couple of months.
He had another round of immunizations (1 – oral, 3 – shots). He really did not like the shots this time but the nurse was quick and did a very good job. He cried huge alligator tears but was comforted fairly quickly.

Harrison doesn’t have to go back to the doctor until his nine month check up. He is finished with immunizations for a little while so he won’t have to get any shots next time. I think everyone we came in contact with was happy to point out that little fact.

The combination of a missed nap, the excitement of the doctor and a round of shots really wiped out our little boy. He fell asleep in the car on the ride home and didn’t wake up when I put him in his crib. He took a 3 hour nap and then woke up in fairly good spirits. This morning he seems to be back to 100% and ready to play!

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