Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

33 Week Doctor's Appointment

Here is another installment of the doctor updates. Had another good visit with very little to report.

Here is a summary of our visit:

Greet office staff and ask about everyone's July 4th holiday (realize I am becoming a regular)
Get blood pressure taken (perfect)
Go to the bathroom and pee in a cup (results good)
Get on scale (we won't talk about the weight gain this week)
Sit on exam table while nurse listens for Harrison's heartbeat (very fast and strong)
Wait for doctor (very short wait)
Doctor comes in, reads file, and asks how long it has been since we saw each other last (two weeks)
Doctor pulls out a tape measure and measures my belly (don't know how I measured this week but I guess it was good)
Doctor asks about Harrison's movement
Doctor checks my feet and hands for swelling (very little swelling so far)
Doctor feels my belly to check Harrison's position (we are pretty sure he is head down now)
Doctor asks if there are any problems or questions (I tell him about the contractions I have been having and a few other aches and pains - he says it is normal and tells me what to look for when they aren't normal)
Doctor schedules next appointment
(one more TWO week appointment and then I start going every week)

We will do the Group B Strep test at our next appointment. The test is similar to the annual Pap test. Group B Strep isn't the same thing as strep throat (hey, don't laugh...that is what I thought the first time I heard it!). About 30% of all pregnant women have group B strep. If it is left untreated, it can be passed onto the infant during delivery and can cause serious complications. If the tests come back positive, antibiotics are given during delivery to protect the baby from contracting the infection at birth.

We will also start checking my progress. While I am not particularly looking forward to these new appointments, it will be nice to know how I am progressing and should give us a much better indication when the big day will be here. Plus it means we are that much closer to the due date!

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