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Monday, July 7, 2008

How are you feeling?

I have discovered that there are a few questions that I get asked over and over.

1. When are you due?
2. Do you know what you are having?
3. Is it hot enough for you? (or some variation of a heat related comment)
4. How are you feeling?

I have heard some people complain about the repetitiveness of these questions but I can honestly say they don't bother me. I really enjoy being pregnant, talking about being pregnant and dreaming about the little man that will be joining our family in just about 6 weeks (eeek!)

The last question always puzzles me though. I am sure most of the time it is meant as a casual remark similar to "How are you?". The kind of question people ask to be polite and with the secret hope that you will just simply respond with "fine."

Most of the time I say things like "great," "really well," "a little hot, but good," etc. Often (at least during the second trimester) that was really how I felt. Now that we are getting to the end of the road however, I am halfway tempted to let a few real complaints slip out.

In an effort to prevent overloading the general public with my laundry list of pregnancy issues and for those of you really interested in how I am REALLY feeling, I will share my honest answer to that question as if someone asked me "How are you feeling?" today.

(disclaimer: if you would prefer a "fine" answer stop reading now)

I feel hot. I am sure the office is 68 degrees just like every other summer. I can see that other people are practically bundled up in winter coats so I know it is just hormones but I am sweating! I am wearing a sleeveless top, light weight pants and sandals but if I could think of a way to wear less clothing in the office and still be considered professional I would. My hands and feet are burning up like they are in front of a fire and the only relief I get is when I wash my hands with the cold water in the bathroom.

I am getting a little tired of being kicked. Sweet Harrison turned this weekend. While his new head down position is definitely worth celebrating, it isn't quite as comfortable as the breech position use to be. My ribs are starting to sting and he has only been kicking them for a couple of days...I have 46 days +/- to go.

I am tired of getting up to go to the bathroom. It really is fun getting up every hour to 45 minutes to go to the bathroom. I love that I see the same people all the time and I love the looks they give me when I am walking back and forth to the bathroom. I especially love when men make comments about my bathroom frequency. It really makes a girl feel proud. We won't even go into how much fun the nighttime bathroom ritual is :-)

Generally, I am just plain tired. I miss the second trimester. It was nice to come into work awake and alert. Now I feel like a giant vacuum is sucking the energy right out of me. A small cup of coffee (or a nap) midday is just about the only way to be productive all day. Once I get home, you can just about forget it! I am mustering up all my strength to cook dinner and do something other than sleep (thankfully Sam is VERY helpful).

That is my laundry list of complaints for the day.

In all seriousness, I know I have been really lucky that these are my only complaints and overall they aren't all that bad. Harrison and I are both healthy and that is a blessing! I know all the little pains and complaints will all be worth it in the end!

Thanks for listening!

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