Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I Smell Touble

From Week 8

Harrison has gas.

During his first few weeks this gas was causing him extreme discomfort. Poor little guy would turn all red and scream, grunt and push. We tried everything we could think of to relieve his pain. Since I am breastfeeding I monitored my diet and tried to only eat bland non-gas producing foods. We tried giving Harrison Mylicon and Gripe Water. We tried warm baths and baby massage. Nothing seemed to help at the time.

Now that Harrison is a little older he doesn't seem to have as much trouble with pent up gas. While Harrison isn't crying as much, his gas is still producing tears.

Harrison poots all the time! I swear the little guy could clear a room. It is to the point that I am a little nervous about taking him out in public when he is gassy. I don't think anyone would believe that the sounds and smells could possibly come from someone so little. I am sure they will think it is me. How embarrassing!?!?

He doesn't seem to mind. In fact I think he is amused by our reaction to the gag producing poots. We have a doctor's appointment next week so I look forward to seeing what she has to say.

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