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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Out and About

We have just started venturing out with Harrison. We had taken him on walks around the neighborhood, to the doctor's office, to the grocery store and to Baby's R Us but we hadn't taken him anywhere beyond that until last week. I know that most people are out and about with their babies a lot sooner than this but due to my postpartum depression I really struggled taking him places. I have had people ask why I was so worried about taking him places and I can't really answer that question. It wasn't that I was worried about germs or anything like that. I think part of it was that I worried that he would cry and I wouldn't be able to comfort him but more than that I think my crazy hormones resulted in a subconscious desire to protect him. I didn't like the unknown or any situation that I couldn't control completely.

Now that my hormones are finally back to normal, we are getting a little more adventurous. Friday Harrison and I went to Sam's kickball game. The park is only a few blocks from our house so it was an easy place to go. I was a little worried about the outing since he is normally having a colic attack around the time we would be there. I totally imagined him screaming bloody murder the whole time we were there. Boy was I wrong! He was an angel and slept through the whole outing. We went on a big outing yesterday. Since it was my last day at the office I wanted to bring him by the office so all my coworkers could see him. He was so sweet and I think he really enjoyed seeing all the different people. He was especially cute with my manager Russell. Russell is a grandfather so I knew he would be good with Harrison but I didn't expect Harrison to be so impressed with him. It was so cute, Harrison smiled and even laughed a little (he has only laughed once before this). We were both pretty exhausted after our outing but we also both had a lot of fun. Today Harrison, my mom and I went out to do a little shopping. We only went to one store and I think that is probably his limit right now (or maybe it is just my limit!). He fussed a little but it didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. It didn't take him long to calm down and before long he was fast asleep. All in all I think we both did really well with our outings and I feel a lot more confident about taking him out places.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was terrified to take Gretchen out alone. I was scared she would cry, too. She was prob 5 or 6 months old before I started going to the grocery store w/ her by myself!